Wednesday, February 26, 2020 | 7 – 9 PM
The DoTERRA Keychain is what we like to call the Swiss Army Knife of the oils world. It does all.the.things.
Come hear about the DoTerra products that our families use every day and have the chance to make and take your own DoTERRA keychain! "Kara DoTERRA" from Bless and Nourish will be our guest instructor.
The oils we will discuss include:
Lemon Lavender Peppermint Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil) Breathe OnGuard Digestzen Balance (or user's choice of emotional/physical health oil)
Come learn about these powerhouse must-have oils.
Two enrollment options!
$10 for class and one sample oil
$45 for class and stocked keychain carrier, includes samples of the above oils AND of Oregano, so that you will have the key ingredients for a Stinky Cup (aka Steam Cup, aka congestion buster... Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca and Oregano)