You Time
There are few things more important than self-care. We often get so busy doing. Doing for our bills, and doing for our savings and security. Doing for our families,our friends, our bosses. Doing for all those things that rely heavily upon us and our energy. We sometimes forget to practice self-care. We forget that we DO deserve a healthy, happy and spiritually fulfilling life.
And though we wouldn’t want this lifestyle for those we love, especially for the little humans in our lives, it is what we most consistently model.
I invite you to break that cycle. To take time for you. To breathe and relax. To enjoy a little you time.
A chance to step away from all that “doing.” To gather with like-minded people and talk about things that matter. To help each other grow and become more powerful. To hold ourselves accountable to the things we really want. To set ourselves up for success. So that we can have our best lives.
With the ultimate goal being a byproduct of which just might be slowly changing the dominant paradigm of self-sacrifice and martyrdom as the way to prove your love and worthiness.
There is new You Time programming each quarter. Want to be notified of the new schedule? Submit your email below!
One-on-one You Time coaching is also available. $50/session. Book online under WellNest.