Fall in love with taking care of yourself!
Do you remember falling and scraping your knee as a kid, then turning to the person who cared for you and when they gave you that hug, you were “all better”?
How about walking into a room of people and getting that “vibe” that you wanted to get to know or “be near” someone because they had “good energy”?
This energy exchange is often referred to as Reiki and it is an amazing tool to develop for our own self care and for those we support and care for on a daily basis. In this introductory course, participants will be attuned to Level 1 Reiki and provided the tools to give Reiki to themselves and others in their lives.
During the 6 hours, you can expect to learn:
“What is Reiki”
Reiki Ideals
3 Pillars of Reiki
Basic understanding of Chakras
What a daily practice looks like and how to treat others.
Forming a daily practice is critical to honoring your quest for overall wellness. It can look any way you want it to look AND it can change on a daily basis.
Add Reiki and its amazing power to your toolbox of self care. Join Karen Rugh with Heal Thyself and Kelly Schulze of Village Yoga for this one-day workshop.
Sunday, October 13
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cost: $150 + $20 for manual
Bring a small snack as we will have a working lunch with many breaks.
Wear comfortable clothes.