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Yamuna Body Rolling at the 'Nest

I first became aware of Yamuna body rolling when a friend suggested I like Renie’s Facebook page, Body Rolling with Renie. I didn’t think much about it. Sounded a lot like what I already do with tennis balls and lacrosse balls. But then I started seeing these very compelling posts that let me know that there was a real overlay between what she does and some things I was taught at school that are AMAZING and definitely not part of your typical massage therapy training.

I always say that deep tissue begins at the skin, goes through the fascia, then the muscle and finally effects the bone. Renie would more likely say that therapy begins at the bone and goes into the muscle, then the fascia and then ends at the skin. Which is kind of neat…like mirror images of the same theory. Here’s a little [I am so jealous of the quality] video that likely explains it better than I just did. It’s amazing stuff…so subtle [I think, you might not think] and so powerful [this I am confident you will think].

We will be offering Body Rolling at the 'Nest this summer, with an introductory class and a 5-class series.

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