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Favorite Things - Comfort and Joy

Tis the season of Comfort and Joy...We all have those things that create a little warmth in our cockles. Things that transcend what they are just a bit. Things that are a little bit more than just a sum of their parts.Things that make you just a little bit happier by simply knowing that they exist out there in the world. Things that become part of your story. Things that make your life simply work better than it would otherwise work. For our last section of Favorite Things, I will be sharing a small collection of those things. I’ve got lots of these things, all across the country and even around the world. But these are a few that have made my time in Hilliard especially lovely.

There’s nothing but nice things I can say about these guys. First of all, how lovely is it that I can just stroll down the street for a lovely cup of coffee and a bit of sweet? All cute and quaint downtowns need a good coffee shop and I am so excited that Old Hilliard now has one! On top of that...they definitely fit the bill of “making me happy knowing that they exist out there.” Nate and Sharon are simply wonderful people. Community focused, quality focused, arts focused, service focused... their work is not separated from their life but is rather an extension of it. That really resonates for me. The front house is your traditional coffee house, great for working or meeting with friends or colleagues. The carriage house behind the main building is a great meeting space for larger groups and would be great for team meetings or hosting workshops. The carriage house upstairs also has a lovely play and learn space for kids. And the outdoor patio is simply charming. Check them out!

Just as every downtown needs a good coffee shop, they also need a good greasy spoon. Abner’s is just that. Now a greasy spoon is not just about the food. It also must have a good wait staff that makes you feel a bit like family. When I lived in California my greasy spoon was Rudy’s. Jeanne was my waitress and she was just superb. I mean she made me feel better about my life with just a smile. At Abner’s, Robin is my "Jeanne". Now she might not be Jeanne, who I think was, literally, an angel come to do good works here on earth, but she’s a good lady and makes me feel at home. And Jackie and Marlene are good eggs, too. And the food...perfectly over medium eggs every time (okay, twice I’ve had to send them back...but twice in 3 years is still pretty dang fabulous). And their homemade soups! Wha. And a darn fine burger...with perfect onion rings. And I may be a little obsessed with the Turkey Reuben these days. It’s just yummy. Oh...and again...that ever so important to me thing that winds its way through many of my favorite things. Gordon, the owner, is again, all about that community building. He hosts parties on his patio throughout the summer and, in general, supports the efforts to help the downtown area be vibrant. Don’t let his gruffness fool you. There’s a heart of gold in there. Breakfast. Sunday. 10am. See you there!


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