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Favorite Things - Mat Happy

Yoga is awesome...almost* any yoga in fact, ‘cause, you know, stretching is good for you. But not all yoga is created equal. Mat Happy is an awesome studio. First of all, their teachers are all certified with a minimum of 200 hours of training. Second, they are community builders. They host special events that enable their students to participate in shared experiences; celebrating and enjoying physical challenge together is a unique experience and something very precious can grow out of it. And is a win-win when combined with ways to help the greater good, such as their Candlelight Flow events in partnership with Legacy Candle Co., a social enterprise supporting victims of human trafficking. And their free summer series at Hilliard Station Park allowed many people to discover yoga in a non-threatening way or to deepen their practice as part of a larger community.


Third, they are educators. Their seminars and workshops help students explore a well-rounded approach to optimum health that encompasses the body, mind and soul as well as providing tools for daily living that simply make life easier. And fourth, the two sisters, Rhiannon and Kelly, who built it remind me of my sisters. Many people love their sisters as much as we do...but not as many seem to genuinely ENJOY them.

And I would particularly like to give a shout out to Kitty Maer, who teaches there. She is AMAZING. Her passion for yoga and teaching and zest for life is apparent in everything she does. Every pose. Every correction of pose. Every explanation of why you are doing the pose in the first place. After taking just one class with her, I will never do yoga the same again. I cannot recommend her highly enough. And joy! She will be teaching a five-week long Beginners Essentials series starting January 8. What an amazing way to support any and all of your New Year’s Affirmations. Your physical foundation helps support all aspects of your life, your dreams and your aspirations. *which is to say, usually a less skilled teacher makes yoga less effective but not harmful. However, you can hurt yourself if you’re not doing things correctly. So it really does benefit one to search out skilled teachers.

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